
These are a couple templates for traversal tree nodes that I found myself reusing everywhere.


This is useful if you have nested resources in your tree, like /user/1234/post/9876. You can have a UserResource context in your path that has a user attribute, and a PostResource context that has a post attribute. As long as your final context inherits from ISmartLookupResource, it can access both the user and the post directly.

def get_user_post(context, request):
    if context.user.is_cool():

This is also useful because it means you don’t have to pass the request object down your tree heirarchy. You can just attach it to the root and your nodes will be able to access it.


Resource for static paths:

class MyResource(IStaticResource):
    subobjects = {
        'foo': foo_factory,
        'bar': bar_factory,

This does what you think it does. But it prevents you from forgetting to set the __parent__ and __name__ attributes on the child. Because that produces terrible and subtle bugs.


Template for retrieving assets from a SQLAlchemy connection. Here’s an example:

class UserResource(IModelResource):
    __model__ = User
    __modelname__ = 'user'

def get_user(context, request):
    return context.user

This can be customized quite a bit, so look at the docstrings on IModelResource for more info.

Where is They?

Just import them

from pyramid_duh import ISmartLookupResource, IStaticResource, IModelResource